Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a transformative procedure aimed at those looking to rejuvenate or enhance the appearance of their eyes. You’re not alone if you ponder, “Is Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?“. This crucial question guides individuals through understanding the procedure’s scope, the benefits it can offer, and essential factors to consider. We aim to address your inquiries and clarify whether this surgical option aligns with your health goals and aesthetic desires.

Understanding the Options

Eyelid surgery, known medically as blepharoplasty, involves precise modifications to the eyelid area. It encompasses several techniques tailored to address specific concerns:

  • Upper Eyelid Surgery Targets the removal of excess skin and fat that can lead to a drooping eyelid. It often restores impaired vision and refreshes the eye’s overall appearance.
  • Lower Eyelid Surgery: Aims to eliminate or reposition fat deposits and remove excess skin under the eyes, reducing the appearance of bags and wrinkles.
  • Double Eyelid Surgery: Creates a fold in the upper eyelids, often sought for aesthetic reasons to make the eyes appear larger and more open.


Each type of blepharoplasty has distinct goals, from enhancing aesthetic appeal to resolving functional issues impacting the patient’s quality of life. For comprehensive insights into how each procedure is performed and to determine which might best suit your needs, explore further details here.

Determining Suitability for Eyelid Surgery

Deciding to undergo eyelid surgery is a significant consideration that requires understanding whether you’re a suitable candidate. Factors influencing suitability range from specific physical symptoms to the underlying motivations for seeking the procedure, be they cosmetic or medical. 

Signs You May Need Eyelid Surgery

Individuals contemplating eyelid surgery experience physical signs and symptoms that not only affect their appearance but may also impact daily functioning. One of the most compelling indications for considering surgery is vision obstruction caused by drooping upper eyelids. This condition can lead to significant visual impairment, challenging routine tasks and potentially diminishing quality of life. 

Another common complaint is persistent eye fatigue. Excess skin on the eyelids can strain the muscles around the eyes, leading to discomfort and a perpetually tired appearance. 

Additionally, fat transfer under the eyes is a related concern that blepharoplasty can address by repositioning or removing fat to alleviate puffiness and under-eye bags, thus restoring a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Cosmetic vs. Medical Reasons

The motivation behind seeking eyelid surgery falls into two categories: cosmetic aspirations and medical necessities. Many individuals approach cosmetic clinics with the desire to enhance their appearance, seeking solutions for aging eyes that reflect a more vibrant and alert self. 

Cosmetic reasons for eyelid surgery primarily focus on achieving a rejuvenated look, whether it’s correcting asymmetry, removing under-eye bags, or creating a defined eyelid crease. On the other hand, medical necessities for eyelid surgery are grounded in functional improvements. 

Patients requiring functional blepharoplasty typically present with conditions like ptosis (drooping eyelid) that impairs vision or eyelid malpositions that can lead to eye health issues. In such cases, plastic surgery in Edmonton and other locations goes beyond aesthetic enhancement, significantly improving vision and eye comfort. 

Deciphering between these motivations is crucial in determining the appropriate approach and setting realistic expectations for the surgery’s outcomes.

Key Considerations Before Deciding on Eyelid Surgery

It is crucial to weigh many key factors that can significantly impact both the process and the outcome before deciding to proceed with eyelid surgery. 

Understanding the risks associated with the surgery, setting realistic expectations, and considering how your health and lifestyle may affect your suitability are all vital steps in preparing for a successful procedure. This comprehensive assessment ensures you are well-informed and ready to make decisions that align with your personal and medical needs.

Understanding the Risks and Limitations

When contemplating eyelid surgery in Edmonton or anywhere else, being fully aware of the potential risks and limitations is essential. Like any surgical procedure, blepharoplasty comes with risks, including infection, bleeding, and reaction to anaesthesia. 

There are risks of asymmetry, temporary vision disturbances, and, in rare cases, more severe complications, such as eyelid malfunction, specific to eyelid surgery. Additionally, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the surgery’s outcomes. 

While getting an eyelid lift can significantly rejuvenate the eye area and, in some cases, improve vision by removing obstructions, it’s vital to understand that the results will vary based on individual factors such as skin condition and age. 

A thorough consultation with a skilled surgeon will help outline what you can realistically expect, ensuring that the surgery’s goals align with the achievable results.

Health and Lifestyle Factors

The success of upper eyelid surgery, or any form of blepharoplasty, is determined by the surgeon’s skill and the patient’s general health and lifestyle. Factors such as chronic illnesses, smoking, and even certain medications can influence the healing process and overall suitability for the procedure. 

For instance, conditions that affect blood clotting or immune response can increase the risk of complications during and after surgery. Similarly, smokers may face a longer and more complicated recovery due to impaired healing. Therefore, patients must disclose their full medical history during the pre-surgical consultation, and they may need to undergo a lifestyle adjustment before the surgery to optimize outcomes. 

Acknowledging and addressing these health and lifestyle factors beforehand can greatly contribute to smoother recovery and the long-term success of the surgery.

Age-Related Considerations

Age plays a significant role in decision-making and anticipated outcomes when contemplating eyelid surgery. Here’s how:

Impact on Decision:

  • Maturity of Skin: Older individuals may experience more pronounced eyelid sagging or puffiness due to skin losing elasticity with age, making the decision to undergo surgery more prevalent in this demographic.
  • Vision Impairment: For some, the decision is influenced by functional concerns, such as impaired vision due to drooping upper eyelids, which can become more common as one age.

Expectations of Results:

  • Healing Time: Age can influence recovery times, with younger patients typically experiencing faster healing due to higher skin elasticity and regeneration capabilities.
  • Outcome Longevity: While results are designed to be long-lasting, younger individuals might enjoy these outcomes longer before natural aging processes necessitate further intervention.
  • Aesthetic Goals: Younger patients often seek subtle enhancements or corrections to inherited eyelid characteristics, while older patients might aim to address more pronounced signs of aging.

Understanding how age affects both the motivations for seeking eyelid surgery and the expected results is crucial. It ensures individuals have realistic expectations and make informed decisions tailored to their unique circumstances.

Making Your Decision – In a Nutshell

The decision to undergo eyelid surgery is significant, and it requires a careful evaluation of the pros and cons associated with the procedure. This process is crucial in making an informed choice that aligns with your aesthetic goals and health status. It’s about striking a balance between the desire to reshape your eyelids for a rejuvenated appearance and understanding the realities of what the surgery can achieve.

When considering eyelid surgery, it’s vital to consult with a reputable cosmetic surgery clinic where you can discuss your expectations and receive expert advice. Plastic surgeons in Edmonton, for example, are well-equipped to provide detailed insights into how eyelid surgery can be tailored to meet your specific needs, considering the unique structure of your eyes and face. They can offer before-and-after images of previous patients to help set a realistic picture of potential outcomes.

Weighing the pros, such as improved appearance and possibly enhanced vision, against the cons, including the risks of surgery and recovery time, requires thoughtful consideration. During your consultation, it’s important to ask detailed questions about all aspects of the surgery, from pre-operative preparation to post-surgery recovery, including any potential complications. Being well-informed about the procedure allows you to weigh these factors more accurately.

Realistic expectations are also paramount. Eyelid surgery can significantly improve but is not a panacea for all aging concerns or personal insecurities. The surgery aims to enhance your appearance, not to perfect it or to change your fundamental look. Understanding this distinction is essential for satisfaction with the results.

In summary, your decision should be based on thorough research, consultation with experienced professionals, and a clear understanding of what can be achieved. This approach ensures that when you decide to proceed with eyelid surgery, you do so confidently, knowing it’s the right choice for you.


Eyelid surgery presents a considerable opportunity for individuals looking to address aesthetic or functional concerns related to their eyelids. 

By carefully considering the unique aspects of your situation, including physical indicators, personal motivations, and overall health and lifestyle, you can make an informed decision on whether blepharoplasty aligns with your objectives. 

It’s essential to approach this decision with a clear understanding of the procedure’s potential risks and benefits, guided by consultations with qualified professionals. Ultimately, eyelid surgery can offer enhanced confidence and improved quality of life for those it suits best. 

As you contemplate this decision, remember the importance of choosing a skilled surgeon and maintaining realistic expectations about the outcomes achievable for you.

Engage with Dr. Mather for Expert Care

Dr. Mather, renowned as a certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, specializes in advanced facial aesthetic surgery, providing a spectrum of options tailored to enhance your appearance and boost self-assurance.

Dedicated to fulfilling each client’s unique aesthetic aspirations, Dr. Mather and his team ensure exceptional care and results.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, we invite you to contact us.