Patients who request a facelift with Dr. Mather have typically begun to see signs associated with ageing like wrinkles, jowls, and facial hollows. For men and women, advancing years cause the tissue to lose elasticity and produce less natural collagen. The once firm, plump volume of cheek fat pads and hydrated skin can thin and diminish.

Even your facial bones may shrink in places. Loose skin around the mouth, neck, and brow are common motivation for Dr. Mather’s facelift patients to take that step toward restoration. Despite the common perception that only “older” people have facelifts, Dr. Mather’s patients span age groups and demographics. Genetics, lifestyle, and weight fluctuations may cause some people to contend with these problem areas sooner than others. Luckily, today’s advanced facelift surgery techniques are versatile and entirely customizable. Whatever your needs and goals, a personalized approach to facial rejuvenation can deliver just what you need and nothing you don’t. Today’s facial lifting methods ensure subtle, natural results and are designed to last. Keep reading to find out Dr. Mather’s facelift essentials for a smooth complexion and a smooth recovery.

What should I know about the recovery stages of a facelift

While the techniques and artistry play a large part in garnering satisfying outcomes, the patient also plays a vital role in ensuring their smooth recovery. Dr. Mather’s facelift in Edmonton success depends somewhat on the patient’s willingness and commitment to following his instructions, oth before and after surgery.

In some instances, there are habits that your surgeon may suggest that you change. They’ll also advise you to plan ahead, so you have a stress-free and safe recovery. The following tips are commonly recommended post-facelift by Dr. Mather:

  1. If you’re a smoker, it’s advised that you stop at least 2 weeks before surgery. Smoking affects the healthy blood flow that is necessary for the surgical site to heal.
  2. Eating foods rich in protein and natural vitamin sources can have a positive effect when it comes to creating and maintaining healthy skin. Foods and supplements rich in vitamins A, C, and E as well as dietary protein have been known to help body tissue regenerate quickly following a facelift.
  3. An aspect of recovery that’s frequently overlooked is having adequate support when returning home following a facelift with Dr. Mather. Generally, the recovery period after a full facelift lasts between 2 and 3 weeks. In the hours immediately following the surgery, there must be someone to accompany you home and help with basic care and errands. Within 24 hours, a return trip to the clinic is required to have any drainage tubes and dressings removed.
  4. There will be a period of approximately 10 to 14 days when you’re advised to curtail some regular activities. These include working out, swimming, and regular face-washing. You won’t be allowed to bend over or lift anything substantial for a few weeks either. During the first week, you’ll experience swelling, discolouration, and some mild to moderate discomfort.
  5. You’ll be most comfortable and heal quicker if you elevate the head of your bed before your facelift surgery. Lift up the mattress or stack firm cushions to support your head and shoulders. Lying flat allows gravity to pull more fluid (and pressure) into the facial area while sleeping.
  6. Avoid sun exposure by wearing a broad-brimmed hat and shades or staying in the shade. Sun exposure on inflamed skin or incisions can lead to permanent discolouration. Protecting your skin after facial surgery will also help protect a youthful, hydrated, and wrinkle-free complexion.

One of the best tips for a smooth and satisfying recovery is to plan for patience. While you’ll see dramatic improvements after the first two weeks, residual swelling and colouring in scars can last many months. Eventually, the scars fade to be thin, light, and discreet. Any remaining numbness or puffiness in the face will fade too over time. Your full recovery may take many months, but the results will keep you looking great for decades to come.